This week was a Monday like no other. Like the most profound morning after you’ve ever experienced. Why?
It was the first Monday after back-to-back holiday weekends. The first Monday of a new month. And the first Monday of a brand new year!
That’s A LOT of reasons for you to think about “getting back on track” with your health, eating, and exercise.
But what if you’re tired of the same track you’ve been trying to get back on for decades?
What if you want to honor your health, nourish your body, and have a peaceful relationship with food?
You, my friend, have landed in the right place. I recently created a handful of resources specifically to help you be great at intuitive eating in midlife.

If we haven’t already met, I’m Amanda Bullat RDN- a registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and a strong advocate for helping you savor food and body in midlife.
As a former athlete with disordered eating and a woman in my 40s, I love helping women in midlife undiet their lives through intuitive eating, mindfulness, and wellness without obsession.
Over the next handful of weeks, I’ll be sharing a variety of resources to help you understand how intuitive eating works, especially in midlife. Along the way, I”ll also answer questions like, what to do about perimenopause weight gain. If intuitive eating will help you lose weight? And how to make healthy eating easy in midlife.
For starters, you’ll hear three interviews on the Savor Food and Body Podcast that will help you be more connected to your body and your relationship with food.
During the Month of January, join me live on the Savor Food and Body YouTube channel or on the Alpine Nutrition Facebook page every Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific time for a free series on the principles of intuitive eating and how they relate to midlife.
If you’d like more personal connection, I’m offering free drop-in office hours on Zoom every Friday, January 13 – Feb 3, 2023, at 9 AM Pacific time. I’d love to answer your questions about intuitive eating in midlife and hear your story about food and your body.
Register here to get the link for these free sessions.
This episode of the Savor Food and Body Podcast is the first in a series of 4 live trainings on the principles of intuitive eating for midlife.
Originally, the 10 principles of intuitive eating were co-created by 2 dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in the mid-1990s. Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing how I typically walk my midlife clients through the principles
We’ll start with two of the 10 principles of intuitive eating: rejecting the diet mentality and making peace with food.
Hit play on the podcast player above and let’s get started!
Watch the video on the Savor Food and Body YouTube Channel
Learn more about my take on perimenopause weight gain on the blog
How’s your relationship with food? Take the quiz to find out!