How to become your authentic self in 2023

Jul 29, 2023 | Podcast

green glass vase on brown wooden table

As a woman in midlife, what would it take to become your authentic self in the face of diet culture approval-seeking advice?

“You look great! But you’d look better if your hair was a little thicker and you wore outfits that don’t look like they walked off the pages of an LL Bean catalog. You know, be a little more hip, stylish, and en Vogue for a woman in midlife.”

My critical voice

This conversation frequently runs through my head when I’m getting ready to do a video recording, live interview, or spend an evening out with friends. “I need to look the part!” I tell myself.

What does that even mean? I’m a 43-year-old nutrition counselor who lives in the mountains. What’s that “part” supposed to look like?

If you’ve had similar conversations with yourself and spent years trying to “look the part” based on someone else’s expectations or ideals, this interview with Monica DiCristina is for you.

Headshot of Monica DiCristina
Monica shares 3 strategies to become your authentic self in 2023

Monica is a therapist, writer, and fellow podcast host. Her work helps people become authentic in their relationships with themselves and others. During our conversation, Monica talks about the barriers that keep women in midlife, from finding freedom in who they’re meant to be.

We talk about what it means to be “emotionally free” and how emotional freedom helps to cultivate a healthy relationship with food and your body. We explore an article Monica wrote entitled “When I Stopped Seeking Attention From Someone Who Didn’t Deserve It” and how it relates to body image for women in midlife. 

Finally, Monica shares three simple strategies you can use to unravel the process of becoming – becoming more or less or something, becoming your authentic self in 2023.

If you’re tired of all the “new year, new you” cliché and ads, this episode will give you a fresh perspective on New Year’s resolutions

About Monica DiCristina:

Monica DiCristina is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over fifteen years of experience in mental health. She runs a private practice in Atlanta, GA serving individuals and couples in therapy. Monica walks with people as they process difficult experiences, helping to bring healing to their relationship with themselves and others. The intersection of her years of therapy experience, as well as her personal mental health journey, inform her perspective. Through her podcast, writing, speaking, and counseling work, Monica carries out her heartfelt mission to collaborate with others in their process of healing, hope, and becoming.


Instagram: @monicadicristina

Podcast: Still Becoming 

Kids Podcast: Still Becoming Kids

Darling Magazine article mentioned in the show

Watch the video on the Savor Food and Body YouTube Channel

How’s your relationship with food? Take the quiz to find out!

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