Episode 34 Intuitive Eating Principles for Gentle Nutrition: It’s hard and confusing to be an eater these days, isn’t it?
“Eat this, don’t eat that, don’t eat after this time or only on these days, and don’t forget to log EVERYTHING!”
It’s overwhelming at best and frustrating more often than not.
I can remember when I was in the thick of my disordered eating days. I wished that someone would just tell me what to eat to fuel my body as an athlete…and not gain weight.
I’d wished that there was an easy road map to follow every time I tried to figure out what to put on the plate in front of me – which is why I tried SO many plans and programs, just trying to find “the right way to eat” for my body.
If this sounds like your story too, ugh, I feel your frustration. And let me be maybe the first to tell you, while there’s no 1 right way to eat, you can learn to feed yourself without rules and learn to trust your body’s needs for nourishment and pleasure from food.
In this episode of the Savor Food and Body Podcast, learn how to feed yourself with simple, straightforward strategies based on gentle nutrition – how to feed your body for nourishment without complicated rules from diet culture.

My guest is Rachael Hartley RDN, who literally wrote the book on Gentle Nutrition (part how-to, part cookbook) and she’s here to break down what the phrase means for everyday eaters like you.
Listen to the episode and learn…
- How Rachael defines Intuitive Eating Principles with Gentle Nutrition and applies it to everyday eating.
- What her Hierarchy of Nutritional Needs is and how it can be a guide to help you make confident food choices.
- What brought her to write the book Gentle Nutrition and how it’s different than other cookbooks you’ll find on the shelf.
- Finally, Rachael shares her top 3 tips to get started feeding yourself in a gentle, curious, and compassionate way.
You’re going to want to take notes with this one for sure!
Rachael Hartley, RDN, LD, is a Boston, MA-based nutrition therapist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and nationally-recognized food and nutrition expert.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and a Bachelor of Art in Psychology from Clemson University. After completing her dietetics internship at Emory University, she worked as a clinical dietitian and, later, as the outpatient dietitian for a large medical center.
In 2014, Rachael opened her private practice, where she specializes in intuitive eating, disordered eating and eating disorders, women’s health, and digestive disorders. She also runs the popular food and wellness blog The Joy of Eating. In 2021, she released her first book Gentle Nutrition: A Non-Diet Approach to Healthy Eating*.
If you’re just starting on your journey to un-dieting your relationship with food or you have advanced intuitive eating skills, this episode will help bring together all the unlearning that comes from reclaiming trust in your body’s needs for food, connection, pleasure, and satisfaction.
Learn more about Rachael, her book, and her blog on her website
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