Women’s Health After 40
Is the Mediterranean Diet REALLY healthier?

Is the Mediterranean Diet REALLY healthier?

Episode 33: The Mediterranean-style diet. Is it really that healthy? Ancel Keys thought so in the 1960s. If there's 1 diet that continues to stand the test of time when it comes to supporting heart health, blood sugar balance, mental health, bone health, and even...

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How to feed yourself with Gentle Nutrition

How to feed yourself with Gentle Nutrition

Episode 34 Intuitive Eating Principles for Gentle Nutrition: It's hard and confusing to be an eater these days, isn't it? "Eat this, don't eat that, don't eat after this time or only on these days, and don't forget to log EVERYTHING!" It's overwhelming at best and...

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How to Find Fashion Freedom for Women in Midlife

How to Find Fashion Freedom for Women in Midlife

Why you can't let go of your skinny jeans Episode 40, Fashion Freedom: You know those jeans, lurking in the back of your closet, tempting you every time you look at them..."try me on, remember how much fun we had together!" You use them as a barometer of how on or off...

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How to Love Your Body During Perimenopause

How to Love Your Body During Perimenopause

Episode 45: Are you struggling to love your body during perimenopause? You know the days when getting dressed in the morning feels like going into battle? When your inner critic is shouting, "REALLY?? You're going to wear THAT? You can't pull that off...maybe if you...

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Savor Food & Body

Nutrition and Body Positive Resources


How to heal from body image grief

How to heal from body image grief

What is body image grief? It's the holiday season once again - Winter Solstice to be exact. Growing up, like many kids, Christmas was my favorite holiday with all the decorations, yummy cookies, presents, and being goofy with family. Nowadays, while I still enjoy...

Give Yourself the Gift of Permission This Year

Give Yourself the Gift of Permission This Year

Permission-based eating is your path to food peace this holiday season! The little comment from your Mom, "oh, honey COVID quarantine has been rough on you hasn't it (referring to body changes)?" The tease from your sister, "yeah, we might as well finish off that pie...



How to avoid binge-eating cookies

How to avoid binge-eating cookies

Episode 4: Learn how binge eating can be triggered by your nervous system feeling threatened by body changes during perimenopause and menopause.

Get 5 Strategies better health and a better relationship with food after 40

Intuitive Eating Made Easy!

5 Strategies to help you discover...

  • How cultural messages keep you stuck in the diet cycle
  • Clarity about what to eat and when to honor your health during perimenopause and menopause

Download the THRIVE GUIDE plus weekly emails with insights, resources, and recipes