Episode 39 Being a runner over 40: What image comes to mind when you think of a runner? Try it. Close your eyes and imagine a runner. Did you see a thin, young, sleek, able-bodied person? That's what most of us envision because that's how we commonly see runners in...
Savor Food & Body
Nutrition and Body Positive Resources
6 Strategies to Undiet Your Life After 40
Episode 17: Are you starting to feel the effects of perimenopause and finding that diet-wellness culture is no longer helping you? Ready to undiet your life? Now is an excellent time to let go of anything that's not serving you - especially when it comes to food and...
Find Out Why Wellness Apps Like Noom® are Actually Diets.
Episode 23: Wellness Apps - With the sexy TV ads promising you a healthy relationship with food when you're done, you might think - "Wow, this is it! Finally, a wellness app that isn't about weight loss!" At least that's what I initially thought. The beautiful ad...
If You Struggle With Emotional Eating Read This Now
If you feel off track with your health goals, here’s how to deal with emotional eating – or at least catch yourself in the act.
3 strategies to make intuitive eating easy after 40
3 strategies to deal with attunement disruptors of midlife and become an intuitive eater no matter how many years you spent dieting
Positive Body Image: How to Achieve Body Confidence in Your 40s
Episode 30: Does positive body image seem hard to achieve in your 40s? Find body confidence once again on the Savor Food and Body Podcast
The only health-related resolution you need to make in 2024
Episode 104: What’s the 1 health-related New Year’s resolution you need to make to improve your health and wellbeing? Undiet your life. Here’s how.
Get 6 Strategies to UNDIET your life and THRIVE after 40
Thrive in midlife!
6 Strategies to help you discover...
- How cultural messages keep you stuck in the diet cycle
- Clarity about what to eat and when to honor your health in midlife
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