Health At Every Size®
Language Matters: You’re gonna screw up, but keep trying!

Language Matters: You’re gonna screw up, but keep trying!

Let's be honest. Language is tricky. Knowing what to say and how to say it no matter who you're talking to in this day and age is hard. Especially as our culture shifts toward being more sensitive to race, cultural identity, sexuality, gender, and of course body size,...

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Which Came First? Mental Health or Nutrition?

Which Came First? Mental Health or Nutrition?

We've all heard that eating well helps your brain function well. True. Some nutrients benefit the brain, like omega-3 fatty acids. But what happens when your mental health alters your relationship with food and makes it more difficult to make food choices that nourish...

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How to heal from body image grief

How to heal from body image grief

What is body image grief? It's the holiday season once again - Winter Solstice to be exact. Growing up, like many kids, Christmas was my favorite holiday with all the decorations, yummy cookies, presents, and being goofy with family. Nowadays, while I still enjoy...

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Give Yourself the Gift of Permission This Year

Give Yourself the Gift of Permission This Year

Permission-based eating is your path to food peace this holiday season! The little comment from your Mom, "oh, honey COVID quarantine has been rough on you hasn't it (referring to body changes)?" The tease from your sister, "yeah, we might as well finish off that pie...

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Is It All Downhill From Here: Women in Midlife

Is It All Downhill From Here: Women in Midlife

Is this what a midlife crisis looks like? I remember when my Dad retired. In his new found free time, he got hooked watching Barrett-Jackson collection car auction tv shows. He became obsessed with wanting a Porsche Cayman sportscar and I immediately thought "uh...

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Savor Food & Body

Nutrition and Body Positive Resources


6 Strategies to Undiet Your Life After 40

6 Strategies to Undiet Your Life After 40

Episode 17: Are you starting to feel the effects of perimenopause and finding that diet-wellness culture is no longer helping you? Ready to undiet your life? Now is an excellent time to let go of anything that's not serving you - especially when it comes to food and...

Find Out Why Wellness Apps Like Noom® are Actually Diets.

Find Out Why Wellness Apps Like Noom® are Actually Diets.

Episode 23: Wellness Apps - With the sexy TV ads promising you a healthy relationship with food when you're done, you might think - "Wow, this is it! Finally, a wellness app that isn't about weight loss!" At least that's what I initially thought. The beautiful ad...


How to eat more brain-health foods without being obsessive

How to eat more brain-health foods without being obsessive

Can you eat to support your brain health without falling into the dumpster fire of diet culture? Yes! You can take a non-diet approach to brain health with intuitive eating and gentle nutrition. Let's do it! Create your meals and snacks with a balance of complex...


Get 5 Strategies better health and a better relationship with food after 40

Intuitive Eating Made Easy!

5 Strategies to help you discover...

  • How cultural messages keep you stuck in the diet cycle
  • Clarity about what to eat and when to honor your health during perimenopause and menopause

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