Health At Every Size®
6 Strategies to Undiet Your Life After 40

6 Strategies to Undiet Your Life After 40

Episode 17: Are you starting to feel the effects of perimenopause and finding that diet-wellness culture is no longer helping you? Ready to undiet your life? Now is an excellent time to let go of anything that's not serving you - especially when it comes to food and...

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Find Out Why Wellness Apps Like Noom® are Actually Diets.

Find Out Why Wellness Apps Like Noom® are Actually Diets.

Episode 23: Wellness Apps - With the sexy TV ads promising you a healthy relationship with food when you're done, you might think - "Wow, this is it! Finally, a wellness app that isn't about weight loss!" At least that's what I initially thought. The beautiful ad...

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Who are you really fasting for?

Who are you really fasting for?

Episode 24: Malak Saddy is back on the Savor Food and Body Podcast to give you a personal and professional view of how religious practices intersect with fasting, eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image. We might be fasting for many different reasons....

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Savor Food & Body

Nutrition and Body Positive Resources




Are You Eating Enough to Be Satisfied or Just Full?

Are You Eating Enough to Be Satisfied or Just Full?

Episode 20: Are satisfaction and fullness connected? The most common question I get from new clients is, "How much should I be eating?" My answer is, "Are you eating enough to be satisfied or just full?" If you're concerned about weight and health, I bet this question...

Get 6 Strategies to UNDIET your life and THRIVE after 40

Thrive in midlife!

6 Strategies to help you discover...

  • How cultural messages keep you stuck in the diet cycle
  • Clarity about what to eat and when to honor your health in midlife

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