How to avoid weight gain over the holidays

How to avoid weight gain over the holidays

Episode 101: If the fear of holiday weight gain stresses you out, here are 4 tips to help you undiet your holidays and savor more of what matters most – delicious food shared with friends and family.

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How to Love Your Body During Perimenopause

How to Love Your Body During Perimenopause

Episode 45: Are you struggling to love your body during perimenopause? You know the days when getting dressed in the morning feels like going into battle? When your inner critic is shouting, "REALLY?? You're going to wear THAT? You can't pull that off...maybe if you...

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Savor Food & Body

Nutrition and Body Positive Resources



Why do you want to be an intuitive eater?

Why do you want to be an intuitive eater?

So, you're done with dieting and you want to become an intuitive eater. Why? Is it because you're concerned about your health in menopause? Do you want to improve your heart health, and insulin resistance, increase energy, have better mental health and moods, better...


10 Must-Eat Foods For Better Brain Health After 40

10 Must-Eat Foods For Better Brain Health After 40

Episode 96: What you eat in midlife can have a dramatic effect on your brain health both immediately and in the future. Listen to this conversation with Dr. Annie Fenn MD to discover the top 10 foods women over 40 need to eat to boost brain health and vitality during perimenopause and beyond.

Get 5 Strategies better health and a better relationship with food after 40

Intuitive Eating Made Easy!

5 Strategies to help you discover...

  • How cultural messages keep you stuck in the diet cycle
  • Clarity about what to eat and when to honor your health during perimenopause and menopause

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