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How to Deal with Holiday Stress After 40

How to Deal with Holiday Stress After 40

Stress during the holidays is as common as holiday cookies. The holidays are full of opportunities for nervous system dysregulation. Get 3 tips to calm your nerves during the holidays or any time of year!

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How to stop generational dieting

How to stop generational dieting

Generational dieting: What was your Mom's relationship with food and her body like? Did you ever see her measure out her food, hear her say X food has Y calories in it, or X food isn't healthy? Or that she'd need to go for a long walk or spend more time at the gym...

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Savor Food & Body

Nutrition and Body Positive Resources



How to eat more brain-health foods without being obsessive

How to eat more brain-health foods without being obsessive

Can you eat to support your brain health without falling into the dumpster fire of diet culture? Yes! You can take a non-diet approach to brain health with intuitive eating and gentle nutrition. Let's do it! Create your meals and snacks with a balance of complex...


10 Must-Eat Foods For Better Brain Health After 40

10 Must-Eat Foods For Better Brain Health After 40

Episode 96: What you eat in midlife can have a dramatic effect on your brain health both immediately and in the future. Listen to this conversation with Dr. Annie Fenn MD to discover the top 10 foods women over 40 need to eat to boost brain health and vitality during perimenopause and beyond.

Get 6 Strategies to UNDIET your life and THRIVE after 40

Thrive in midlife!

6 Strategies to help you discover...

  • How cultural messages keep you stuck in the diet cycle
  • Clarity about what to eat and when to honor your health in midlife

Download the THRIVE GUIDE plus weekly emails with insights, resources, and recipes