Savor Food

and Body Blog

Resources to help you undiet your life. Find strategies, podcasts, and inspiration to reclaim your health from diet culture with intuitive eating practices.

Nutrition and Body Positive Resources


Miss Education: The Things I Didn’t Learn in Grad School

Miss Education: The Things I Didn’t Learn in Grad School

There is genuine disembodiment of my education vs my actual life. I’ve never “looked the part” of a dietitian. I've struggled with my weight and how I "should" be eating. The stereotype of dietitians and similar nutrition professionals is that we must only eat salads...

How to Ditch Social Scrolling and Improve Your Body Image

How to Ditch Social Scrolling and Improve Your Body Image

Written by Kim Hall RDN, a former intern at Alpine Nutrition Scrolling through fantasy searching for reality How many minutes a day do you spend social scrolling? How many social media accounts connect you to life outside of your own reality? Social media is an...