Savor Food

and Body Blog

Resources to help you undiet your life. Find strategies, podcasts, and inspiration to reclaim your health from diet culture with intuitive eating practices.

Nutrition and Body Positive Resources


6 Strategies to Undiet Your Life After 40

6 Strategies to Undiet Your Life After 40

Episode 17: Are you starting to feel the effects of perimenopause and finding that diet-wellness culture is no longer helping you? Ready to undiet your life? Now is an excellent time to let go of anything that's not serving you - especially when it comes to food and...

Find Out Why Wellness Apps Like Noom® are Actually Diets.

Find Out Why Wellness Apps Like Noom® are Actually Diets.

Episode 23: Wellness Apps - With the sexy TV ads promising you a healthy relationship with food when you're done, you might think - "Wow, this is it! Finally, a wellness app that isn't about weight loss!" At least that's what I initially thought. The beautiful ad...