Episode 17: Are you starting to feel the effects of perimenopause and finding that diet-wellness culture is no longer helping you? Ready to undiet your life? Now is an excellent time to let go of anything that’s not serving you – especially when it comes to food and your body.

That’s why I created the Getting Started series on the Savor Food and Body Podcast.

Over the next 4 weeks, I’ll be walking you through the same techniques, tools, and resources I use with my 1:1 clients to help them stop dieting and start savoring food and their bodies.

If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable in your body or struggled with not knowing what and how to eat to be your healthiest self, this episode is for you.

Trying to weed through all the nutrition, wellness, it’s-not-a-diet-it’s-a-lifestyle advice gets overwhelming real quick. And as a busy woman in midlife who’s juggling everything 24/7, you don’t need any more stress!

This week on the Savor Food and Body podcast, I’m walking you through 6 strategies to help tune out all the diet-wellness noise and start living your healthiest life in perimenopause and beyond.

woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting on brown tree log during daytime

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode…

  • Feeling the effects of perimenopause? Find out why throwing out your scales (body and food) and deleting wellness trackers is essential to finding great peace and freedom with food while defining health on your own terms.
  • Dreading the seasonal clothing switch? Learn why trash bags really are a closet necessity.
  • Do you know who makes the WORST dinner party guest? Food labels and marketing, here’s why.
  • Get insight into why the SAVOR technique has helped women in midlife, just like you figure out how to find more pleasure and satisfaction with food and their lives in general.
  • Finally, why we all need recess time every day!

BONUS: This episode comes with a free guide to help you practice these strategies in your life today.

Download the guide here.

By listening to the show, downloading the guide, and putting these strategies into place, you’ll be well on your way to living your healthiest life during perimenopause, on your own terms with more energy, better moods, better sleep, and less overwhelming. Let’s get started!

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