Why carbs matter in perimenopause; a common-sense strategy for better moods and more energy.
Do you have an unhealthy relationship with carbs? Afraid that just looking at them will make you gain weight? After hearing about all the reasons why you should go low-carb or no-carb, you’re convinced that carbs don’t matter now that you’re over 40.
Then why does your hand find its way to the bottom of a box of cookies when you’ve had a bad day or it’s been more than 5 hours since your last solid meal?
Because contrary to popular diet culture belief, carbs matter to all bodies for optimal wellness.
In this episode of the Savor Food and Body Podcast, certified nutritionist and culinary educator Ami Karnosh talks about why carbohydrates are your lifeline when it comes to dealing with perimenopause symptoms like moodiness, difficulty sleeping, and fatigue.

Ami explains the nutrition science basics of what carbs are and why we need them. She shares why carbs are important for midlife women concerned about blood sugar control, decreasing cholesterol, and smooth-moving GI health.
You’ll also learn what hormone intelligence is and how food can create a balanced foundation to support your hormone fluctuations in perimenopause and menopause.
Finally, we end the conversation with Ami’s advice on how to boost your mood, reduce your perimenopause symptoms, and practice gentle nutrition in this season of life.
Ami Karnosh is a Nutritionist with a Masters of Science degree from Bastyr University. After closing her private nutrition practice, Ami published Let’s Eat, A Book About Food to introduce eating the rainbow to kids of all ages.
Ami later co-founded the Yummy Mummy Cookie Company – nutrition you need in the cookies you want. Since retiring from the business, she currently helps companies create and adapt recipes for specialty foods and teaches people how to easily cook nourishing meals in their own homes.
You can learn more about Ami’s work by visiting Cancer Lifeline and PCC Community Markets. Connect with Ami socially visiting her on Instagram.
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