How to know if intuitive eating is right for you

Jul 29, 2023 | Podcast

Episode 37: “What intrigued me the most about intuitive eating was this idea of freedom with food. I thought, wow, that sounds amazing…and I have no idea how to get there.” 

When you’ve been following all the food rules for decades, the idea of not following them, not being careful about what you’re eating, not keeping track of everything you put in your mouth, and not punishing yourself after a cheat day, probably sounds crazy, scary, and completely out of reach.

That’s what Lynn thought when we first met. I was her culinary nutrition instructor. As the academic quarter progressed, Lynn became more curious about this anti-food rules approach to nutrition and health. 

After she graduated, Lynn was more than curious about finding freedom with food and ready to jump into intuitive eating with both feet and an open, curious mind.

two woman standing beside woman sitting in front of table

In this episode, Lynn shares what it was like for her to unlearn the diet culture messaging that entrenched in her since she was 12 years old.

Listen to this Savor Food and Body Podcast episode to hear…

  • The messages Lynn heard about food and her body growing up and how they impacted her as an adult and a mom.
  • Why did she decide to ditch the food rules and try intuitive eating after decades of dieting and wellness programs?
  • What the process was like to unlearn diet culture beliefs and relearn how to trust her body.
  • And finally, how Lynn defines gentle nutrition today as she continues to hone her practices of intuitive eating and body acceptance.

If you’ve ever thought about ditching diets to try intuitive eating but were afraid you’d feel out of control with food, that you’d never stop gaining weight, or that you’d ruin your health, this insider’s view might give you the confidence you need to jump in with two feet and an open mind. 


Resources: Book and Articles*

Intuitive Eating book

Intuitive Eating workbook

Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison

Health At Every Size

Body Respect

The Body is Not an Apology

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