Alpine Nutrition

Helping women in midlife undiet their relationship with food.

As an undiet dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, I love helping women in their late 30s, 40s, and 50s learn how to ditch diets, reclaim their health, and feel more confident in their bodies.

Get 5 Strategies to UNDIET your life and THRIVE after 40

Thrive in midlife!

5 strategies to help you discover…

  • How cultural messages keep you stuck in the diet cycle
  • Clarity about what to eat and when to honor your health in midlife

Download the THRIVE GUIDE plus get weekly emails with insights, resources, and recipes to thrive in midlife

Amanda Bullat Oregon Nutritionist

Start Savoring Food & Your Body

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with food and your body?

If you ever felt like you “just can’t get your eating under control” or felt like a complete failure when you regain weight after EVERY weight-loss attempt,

It’s not your fault!

​As an undiet dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, I love helping active, women in midlife, just like you, learn how to ditch diets, reclaim their health, and live full vibrant lives. 

I’ve been there, done that…

Create a healthy relationship with food

Learn how specific foods can support your body through perimenopause and menopause

The SAVOR Strategies of Healing

Our culture equates weight gain and being “over-weight” with being unhealthy.

However, the scientific literature shows only a correlation between weight and disease, not a causal relationship especially during midlife.

Here’s what you’ll learn in our work together…

  • How to create trusting relationship with food by practicing the basics of gentle nutrition for midlife and and honoring your hunger, satisfaction, and fullness cues – in other words, what, when, and how to eat.
  • You’ll start to understand why certain foods seem sexier than others – like you’re getting away with something when you eat them
  • What specific foods support your changing body in midlife and how to incorporate them more into your daily eating.
  • Finally, you’ll put all the pieces together in a continuous practice of honoring hunger, satisfaction, emotional well-being, individual nutrient needs, and fullness (with food and life).


Eat this. Don't eat that. Eat more protein. Don't eat too many carbs. With so much nutrition information out there, it's hard to know what to eat. Let's make your life easier!


Subscribe and get the top 5 foods for women over 40

With so much nutrition information out there, it's hard to know what to eat. Let's make your life easier with these top 5 foods!

Redefine Health

Amanda is a beacon of light helping me navigate through the darkness of Diet Culture. She’s helped me see that health has nothing to do with appearances but everything to do with what you’re feeling in your head and IN your body. She’s compassionate, a great listener, and an advocate.

I’m sure I’d be destroying my body and mind on yet another diet if it weren’t for Amanda’s care. Stop listening to the B.S. of Diet Culture and let Amanda guide you to the positive light of Intuitive Eating and self-care.

Jessica, Savor Food and Body Group Participant

Online Nutrition Counseling & More

Let’s work together

It’s not just about food!

If you’ve been told that calories in vs. calories out is the equation for weight loss and optimal health…we need to talk.


If your relationship with food and your body feels like a struggle...


If you're confused about what you "should" eat to be healthy in midlife...


if you're exhausted from blaming yourself when you don't live up to health & beauty ideals…

Savor Food and Body Blog

Nutrition for midlife and Body-Image Resources

How to Love Your Body During Perimenopause

How to Love Your Body During Perimenopause

Episode 45: Are you struggling to love your body during perimenopause? You know the days when getting dressed in the morning feels like going into battle? When your inner critic is shouting, "REALLY?? You're going to wear THAT? You can't pull that off...maybe if you...

3 ways to deal with perimenopause weight gain

3 ways to deal with perimenopause weight gain

Is weight gain in perimenopause really that bad? If you're like many of my clients and women over 40 you'll say "perimenopause weight gain is absolutely, the worst thing ever!" Why is that? Because you have to go buy new pants and you hate shopping. You've been told...

How to get better sleep after 40

How to get better sleep after 40

What keeps you up at night? Night sweats, an anxious mind, difficulty breathing, a burst of energy at 2 AM? Lying in bed, staring out the window at 2 AM, I'm cursing myself for having that dark chocolate for dessert after dinner. I'm wide awake, ready to start the...

The best natural remedies for perimenopause

The best natural remedies for perimenopause

Ever wondered what women did before hormone replacement therapy, anti-depressants, or anti-anxiety medications? Frustrated with the conventional medicine approach for perimenopause and menopause symptoms? Try these natural remedies! Welcome to part 2 of my...

How to destress your relationship with food

How to destress your relationship with food

Want to feel less anxious about what you eat and heal your relationship with food? Feeling stressed about what to eat rarely comes from not knowing what healthy it is. In fact, if you're like many women in midlife, you've spent decades researching the best diet for...

5 ways to improve your relationship with food after 40

5 ways to improve your relationship with food after 40

Is the pursuit of weight loss destroying your relationship with food? Here are 5 steps to improve your relationship with food after 40. If you feel like your weight is out of control and you struggle to lose weight after 40, you're more likely to try your old weight...

How to improve your relationship with food after 40

How to improve your relationship with food after 40

I have a new favorite word. Undiet. The short definition? It's the key to improving your relationship with food by ditching diets after 40. Here's the longer definition. Of course, you've heard of diet(ing) and maybe you've heard of anti-diet and non-diet - I've used...

How to tell if chocolate makes your anxiety worse

How to tell if chocolate makes your anxiety worse

I can't figure it out. I know, believe, and practice that all foods fit in a healthy relationship with food, but why do I feel so anxious, stressed, and emotionally burned out when I eat chocolate - even the dark, organic, fair-traded, women-supported, fancy stuff? In...

How to become an intuitive eater in 4 steps

How to become an intuitive eater in 4 steps

Learning how to become an intuitive eater after you've spent decades following diet-related food plans can feel overwhelming. Unless you have a step-by-step map to guide you through the process. I was recently reminded about how helpful maps can be. On a recent Savor...

What to do When Weight Loss Slows Down During Perimenopause

What to do When Weight Loss Slows Down During Perimenopause

Have you ever stayed too long - a job or position at work, in a relationship that made you compromise too much, follow a wellness program that felt too hard for too long or an exercise or weight loss schedule that was a struggle to maintain with the rest of your life?...

How to go from chaos to confidence with food

How to go from chaos to confidence with food

How do seasonal shifts affect your confidence with food? How do schedule changes affect your relationship with your body? As the saying goes, "if there's one thing that's certain it's change." Changes in season, weather, and schedule can throw your well-intended...

3 Unexpected Ways to Meet Your Health Goals After 40

3 Unexpected Ways to Meet Your Health Goals After 40

If you're like many women over 40, your capacity to do "all the things" runs out quicker than it used to in your 20s and 30s. Despite good intentions, dropping the ball on your health goals happens. This is partly because your built-in capacity booster, estrogen,...

How to deal with bad body image days

How to deal with bad body image days

Episode 6...Part of being human is experiencing negative body image off and on. It doesn't matter if you live in a thin, fit, fat, wrinkled, young, or old body - if you're human, you've likely looked at your reflection with dissatisfaction a time or two in your life....

How to Love Your Body During Perimenopause

Episode 45: Are you struggling to love your body during perimenopause? You know the days when getting dressed in the morning feels like going into battle? When your inner critic is shouting, "REALLY?? You're going to wear THAT? You can't pull that off...maybe if you...

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How to become an intuitive eater in 4 steps

At first glance Intuitive Eating can come off as a feeding frenzy with no regard for health – at least that’s what the opponents say. In fact, contrary to their misguided opinions, Intuitive Eating is a practice rooted in the philosophy of…

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How to go from chaos to confidence with food

How do seasonal shifts affect your confidence with food? How do schedule changes affect your relationship with your body? As the saying goes, "if there's one thing that's certain it's change." Changes in season, weather, and schedule can throw your well-intended...

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